Children in Christ
But Jesus said, ‘Let the children come to me, and do not forbid them; for of such is the kingdom of heaven.’ Matthew 19:14
Skye Farm Camp Opportunities
A resident Christian camp in Warrensburg, NY, Skye Farm is now accepting applications for children and youth ages 3-18. UMC Chestertown offers ‘Camperships.’ For information call Amy & Tom at 518-494-3482

We joyfully welcome children of all ages to our services and other celebrations.
We want your children to think of this church as a second home and our church community as their second family. Participate as much as you can in the life of the church, social hours, and other church functions to help you and your children feel at home here.
Crayons and activities located on the organ in the back of the church are available for children to use during the worship service.
Downstairs in Fellowship Hall there is a bookshelf with books and activities. Feel free to share tools and materials with your children.
To Parents of Children in Church, may we suggest:
Relax. God put the wiggle in children. Don’t think that you have to suppress it in God’s house.
Consider sitting toward the front where it is easier for your little ones to see and hear what’s going on. They tire of seeing only the backs of the people in front of them.
Quietly explain the parts of the service and the actions of the pastor. The more they know about the service, the greater the chance that they will engage in it over time.
Sing the hymns and pray the responses. Children learn liturgical behavior from copying you.
If you have to leave for a few moments with your child, you will find a family bathroom with a changing table downstairs behind Fellowship Hall.