Immediate Need
Older Students
Students pictured on this page are eager to attend school. They need your help as soon as possible. Please consider sponsoring a young person in high school or college.
Questions – Contact Coordinator Amy Fuller
Eunice Peter was born December 31, 2002 and is 21 years old. Eunice is the oldest of five children. Her mother divorced her father because he was beating her almost to death on a regular basis. Eunice completed Form 4 (grade 10) and was always at the top of her class despite often having to stay home to care for her siblings while her mother tried to find work. She is very motived to continue her education with the help of a sponsor as her mother cannot afford the school fees for the next level. A sponsorship for Eunice to attend high school would be $1000 per year.
Esther is the first born of three girls and is 16 years old. Her mother is a second wife and her husband is very abusive. The Living for Others social worker worked with the family and convinced the husband to give his wife a parcel of land so that LFO can build her a house where she and her children can be safe. He also tried to arrange marriage for Esther twice. Both times Esther refused and after the second time her father kicked her out of the house. Esther found the courage to stand up to her father from attending the girls’ empowerment camp at Pastor Anna’s church for the last few years. Esther is living with another family from Pastor Anna’s church until her mother has her own house.
Esther has completed Form 4 (grade 10) but her grades suffered due to her abusive home environment. Her goal is to attend a vocational school to get training in sewing and designing so she has the skills to support herself. The closest vocational school is about one hour away and a sponsorship would cost $1000 per year for three years.
Richard Chekea was born on April 27, 2004 and is 19 years old. Though Richard has both of his parents, they are very, very poor. He is the second of five children. He has completed Form 4 (grade 10) and was always at the top of his class and always striving to learn. He loves people and has a generous heart for others. He often is out visiting and praying for people in his community who are sick or struggling. While he waits and hopes for a sponsor, Richard helps his parents garden to raise the food to feed their family.
Richard needs a sponsor to continue his education and finish high school. A sponsorship would cost $1000 per year.
This is Musa Damas who is 22 years old. He lost his father when he was ten and was left with his mother who was often sickly and eight siblings. He is the next to the youngest and all of his older siblings left home to marry early or work. Musa worked to get odd jobs to help provide food for his mother and pay his own school fees so he could continue his education. He was always at the top of his class, is very motivated to learn and hopes to be trained as a doctor. He has completed high school and in the Tanzanian system is eligible to go on to medical school from here.
Currently he does not have the money to continue his dream. He is volunteering at a local private elementary school and at Pastor Anna’s church as a choir director. He has written and produced his own songs which the women in his choir perform. His love and respect for his mother has given him the unusual perspective of valuing women and his choir members appreciate and enjoy his leadership.
Medical school in Tanzania costs $8,000 per year for five years and Musa is committed to working hard to be the best obstetrician he can be and return to the community to serve those who believe in him now. A sponsorship could be from a church or collective of people. Musa’s English is excellent and he would be happy to be in communication with his sponsors to ensure their confidence in him.