Community United Methodist Church of Chestertown

A small church doing big things.

11 Church St. Chestertown, NY 12817

Worship Service – Sundays @ 11 am

We would love to have you join us.

We serve communion on the first Sunday of each month followed by a coffee hour in our fellowship hall. Sunday, Oct. 6 is our next communion service. All are welcome to join.

On Communion Sundays we collect food and monetary donations for the Chestertown Food Pantry. Click on the button below for more information.

New Plaques for our Church Building

157 years old

The Historical Society of the Town of Chester wanted to do a project recognizing the older buildings in the villages of Chestertown and Pottersville. As a result it was decided that plaques would be given to the owners of buildings built before 1900. A list was made of those buildings; the owners were notified; and plaques were ordered for those who wanted them. The plaques were then given to the building owners.

The cross and flames, symbols of the Methodist tradition, were given to our church.

Drive around The Town of Chester. How many plaques showing off the older buildings can you find?

Community Lunch

Sunday, Oct. 6

12 noon

Formerly known as the Pot Luck Lunch, we will be hosting our Community Lunch after worship service. Feel free to bring a dish to pass but don’t feel obligated to do so.

We look forward to having you join us for delicious food and friendly conversation.  

Sacred Clown Communion

Sunday, Oct. 6

11 am

The Reverend Steve Butler will present Sacred Clown Communion, a moving service for all ages. Bring your children, grandchildren, and friends. We understand that some people may be hesitant to attend because of a clown phobia, personal reasons, etc. Rev Steve Butler puts his makeup on during the presentation so everyone can see that clowns are ordinary people who wear makeup and costumes.

Oct. 6 is World Communion Sunday, a day we remember that, no matter our differences, we are one in the Body of Christ.

After service we will be hosting our Community Lunch. We look forward to having you join us for this moving and meaningful worship service and lunch to follow.


District Day

Saturday, Sept. 28

9 am – 3 pm

Saratoga Springs UMC, 175 Fifth  Ave., Saratoga Springs.

Join fellowship and learning opportunities with members of the Adirondack and Albany Districts. Up to 20 workshops on a variety of topics will be facilitated by pastors, laity and community leaders. The day will begin with worship at 8:45 AM, followed by a series of three 75-minute workshops, with lunch provided. After a closing worship the day will conclude at 3 pm. This is a wonderful time to connect with old friends and new as we grow in mind and spirit!

Questions? Get in touch with Carrie at the District Office: or 518-608-1246

Book Bag Project

Summer 2024

Working with the Food Pantries of Horicon and Chester, we collected school supplies and filled book bags for selected students in the North Warren Central School District. This year we donated 52 book bags for our local students.

Bible Sharing

Wednesday – Sept. 11, 18, 25

10 am – 11 am

  .  . devote yourself to the public reading of scripture .  .  .  1 Timothy 4:13

Join us in fellowship hall of the church for a relaxed time chatting about favored Bible verses. This is not a Bible study. What verses speak to you? Choose a Bible passage special to you and share with our group. All are welcome.

Church Conference

Saturday, Oct. 19

3:30 pm

Riparius-Wevertown-Johnsburg (RWJ) UMC;  1798 S Johnsburg Rd, Johnsburg, NY 12843

Congregations of Chestertown, Pottersville, and RWJ will meet with District Superintendent Debbie Earthrowl. All church members are encouraged to attend and vote as needed. In addition to our traditional Church Conference business, we will have an opportunity to talk about the things that are going well in our discipleship processes, and about what is next in building on the process.

Covenant Discipleship Group

You then, my child, be strong in the grace that is in Christ Jesus .  .  .  2 Timothy 2:1-2

Go back in time and take a look at John Wesley’s Class Meetings. Members met once a week to hold themselves accountable to the principles of holy living and growing as a disciple of Jesus Christ. Currently, members of UMC Chestertown are starting to form a local Covenant Discipleship Group. Consider joining our group and revisit an important method John Wesley used to strengthen discipleship.

Interested? Send an email to our church office to learn more or join a Covenant Discipleship Groups.

Building Projects

Check out the Share Center next to the church. In the weeks ahead, a new roof and chimney will be completed.

Ongoing World &  Community Missions 

Share Center


10 am – 2 pm

Ask, and it shall be given you; seek, and ye shall find; knock, and it shall be opened unto you. Matthew 7:7

An important mission of our church is running our Share Center, a place for people to donate items no longer needed and to find needed items for free. All people from the community are encouraged to come in and browse every Saturday between 10 am – 2 pm.

Then Jesus told them this parable: Suppose one of you has a hundred sheep and loses one of them. Doesn’t he leave the ninety-nine in the open country and go after the lost sheep until he finds it?  Luke 15:3-7

Pastor Anna from Tarime, Tanzania

Pastor Anna Migera Chacha returned to visit her friends at the Chestertown Church in June 2023. She updated us on the good work still being done at Angel House Children’s Home where she was a supervisor for over 60 children for 20 years. Chestertown UMC made contributions to support the children of Angel House. Following God’s call in 2023, Anna has continued her ministerial journey and is now the pastor of Gamasara UMC. She will be attending the General Conference in NC in April of 2024 to be commissioned as a deaconess in the Methodist Church. Anna has created a new project called Living For Others under the established NGO Smiles of Hope to address the extreme poverty within the community at large. God is working through Pastor Anna to lead us all on a journey of faith in action as we support her work to touch lives with love and address basic needs of food, water, housing and education.

I’m alive. I’m healthy. I can see. I can go.  -Anna Migera

Fresh water! Among the construction crew pictured above are Anna and some of her staff of Living for Others. They are celebrating a new well provided to them through donations.


Strawberry Festival

Thank you to community members, near and far, for supporting our annual Strawberry Festival this summer. Strawberry shortcake. Raffle baskets. Lunch. Pies. Sales of collectibles, books, jewelry, and more. A good time was had by all. Look for us on the lawn again next July of 2025.

Friendship Garden

But Jesus said, Suffer little children, and forbid them not, to come unto me: for of such is the kingdom of heaven.  -Matthew 19:14

Everyone is welcome to enjoy our garden behind the church. Come and sit for awhile for prayer or meditation.

Community United Methodist Church of Chestertown is located at 11 Church Street, between State Rte 9 and Riverside Drive.

Methodist Church

We are part of the Adirondack District of the Upper New York Conference of the United Methodist Church. Click on the buttons below to learn more.