A Safe House
Thanks to donations from Friends of Living for Others, Saratoga UMC, and others, money has been raised to build a Safe House for Living for Others in Tarime, Tanzania.
The Tanzanian government is recognizing the pandemic of violence against women and children throughout the country. Children are even disappearing and domestic violence is rampant. They need to do something and have decided to establish a safe house in every district. Though Living For Others is only about one year old, they have been noticed by the government as a reliable resource for the district where they are established. In August, the government gave Living for Others 3 acres of land to build a safe house. This recognition is exciting for the LFO staff and the supporters in the U.S. Dr. Lisa who runs Smiles of Hope immediately donated money to get the foundation of this house started. A generous donation towards building a house from another church in upstate NY will be used to move the construction forward. They also donated money for a well which was dug at this location and has been completed. The surrounding area will be farmed to help provide food for the safe house and the larger community. Fundraising for this project will be our top priority this fall.
This safe house will allow women and mothers with children to come for a few days when they are being abused. The LFO staff will care for them and help connect them with services that can assist in a more permanent safe solution. It will also be used to house and protect up to 60 young girls during the time of female circumcision which happens every two years and is coming this December. It will also be used as a location for families to bring their children for vaccinations and medications for worms and other conditions that require a multi-day treatment. Pastor Anna and LFO have been noticed by the government for the community of care that is growing with their hard work and our support. Once built this house will likely be utilized for other services that we can’t even imagine yet.

Pastor Anna Migera stands in front of the new Safe House, designed to house women and children in need of sanctuary from abusive situations. The house should be completed around December 2024.

A local group of men whom Anna has mentored and who started a brick making business will donate the bricks needed for the safe house.

In the rural villages of Tanzania, many people live in thatch-roofed huts with dirt floors. Especially during the rainy season, these huts are often damaged by strong winds and beating rain. They offer no solid protection and often families with 4 or more children are squashed into one room. LFO is building houses with two rooms and a bathroom covered by a real tin roof. The bricks used for all of the walls are made by a local group of men who started this business with seed money from Smiles of Hope.

A joyful family and staff celebrates a new home constructed in 2023.

A second house has been built and the family has moved in. A dedication was held April 8, 2024. Efforts from churches and individuals in upstate New York made this house possible.
Farming and Land

Thanks to recent donation from Smiles of Hope and an anonymous donor, 3 acres of land were purchased in 2023.

LFO has purchased 3 acres of land to farm with maize and beans. The harvest is passed out to villagers and to the Emmanuel King Primary School. They hope to purchase at least one more acre to provide more food for the community and sell to generate their own income. They are able to harvest twice a year.
New Programs for Women

On November 19. 2023, Living for Others held their first meeting with a group of widows and abandoned mothers. This is a pervasive challenge in the village given the cultural traditions. Pastor Anna is hoping to provide support that will give these women the skills and resources to become strong and independent. She is leading them in learning farming and business skills. This first group of women meets weekly as well as working in the field to produce their own food.
A New Office Building for Living for Others
Smiles of Hope has helped establish LFO’s office building.
Mission Statement: To build and strengthen sustainable individual family, institutional and community initiatives for better family and community through partnership at all levels.